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This is wear the logs from Lains uncle goes as he discovers them.

Entry 1

Dear Lain,

If you are reading this that means I have failed on my mission of unlocking the secrets of the past. Which means it falls to you my loving nephew. I must warn you you are in for many trials and dangers but if you are bave enough you should first locate my lab. My lab can be found in a secret passage way in my bed room and in other locations. Check the walls and see if you can trigger the button. Oh and becareful my nephew there are many things you shouldn't mess with.

Entry 2

Dear lain,

I must inform you of the cursed eye. Its a floating object in the center of my lab. This object will place a curse on any caught in its blinding gaze. The curse depends diffrently for each person but some people may have a similar curse. Please becareful for I have yet to find a cure for the curse it may give you.

Entry 3

Dear lain,

Let me tell you be very careful. The cursed eye is one of millions of lost artifacts left by a dead race. This race had great power and then disearpeared a long time ago. Now many people seek these artifacts power.. Please keep them out the hands of evil or our world may be in turmoil.

Entry 4

Dear lain,

I forgot to tell you about the soul organization. They seem to be in search of the lost artifacts yet I do not know what for. If you do come across them becareful they may be in seach of weapons to use for dark purposes.

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